Estate Planning
Planning for Everyone You Love and Everything You Have
Do you really know?
Do you know without a doubt what would happen legally and financially to you, your loved ones, your money and everythign else you care about if something unexpected happened to you?
If you already have an estate plan and it's been more than three (3) years since an attorney has reviewed it, your assets could be lost to the state department of unclaimed property or to an unnecessary and public court process.
If you do not have an estate plan, then the state has a plan for you, and it's probably not what you want.
Here's the bottom line: If you do not know exactly what would happen to everyone you love and everything you have, then the first step is to find out exactly what would happen legally and financially so that you can decide if the current state of your affairs is okay with you.
How do we help you with estate planning?
We meet with you either in-person or remotely for you initial consultation where the sole purpose is to get you more informed.
Before your initial consultation, you will complete our mandatory potential client intake forms, which will help you to get clear about what you own and what you have to think about when it comes to planning for the well-being and care of your loved ones and your belongings.
If you decide the current state of affairs is unacceptable, and if we both decide that it is a fit to work together, then we will design an estate plan together that will best suit the needs of your family.
The foundation of your estate plan will often include a Will, a Financial Power of Attorney, a Healthcare Power of Attorney, a Living Will, and Long-term and Short-Term Guardian Nominations (if you have minor children).
For people with additional needs, we provide advanced estate planning services in the area of Revocable Living Trusts, Long-Term Care Planning, and Special Needs Planning.
* Can I DIY my estate plan? *
Unfortunately, most DIY plans do not work because much of what passes for estate "planning" is little more than word processing.
You answer a few automated questions and then the drafter (normally just software, not a human being) decides which "plan" is right for you. And then you are forced into a template document that might not reflect your nees or situation whatsoever. Add to that the fact that Louisiana law differs significantly from the law of the other 49 states, and you most likely will not even end up with a document that is valid in Louisiana.
This is not estate planning: this is little more than a "search and replace" of your family's name and then the hit of the "print" button.
We are professional estate planners
Julie DesOrmeaux Rosenzweig, J.D., will educate you and take the time to get to know you, your family, your concerns, your goals and your issues.
She will gladly and patiently answer all of your questions to design an estate plan that is exactly right for you and will keep your loved ones out of court and out of conflict.